Submission of contributions and material for review purposes:
Mise en Abyme has no article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
Call for papers
Deadline: 30th April 2021
The theme for the monographic section of the issue will be "Digital Humanities".
The proposed research lines will include, among others, the following approaches:
- how Computer Sciences contribute to text preservation and fruition;
- how digital media may be used to create and provide access to texts and works of art;
- the use of digital media and digital applications in teaching;
- the use of digital media and digital applications in arts, performing arts and literature in emergency periods as the Covid-19 pandemic;
- the use of digitalised database, corpora and innovative software in academic research;
- the intersections between Computer and Human Sciences, taking into account the broader contribution to critical theory and philosophy.
Articles length for both the monographic and the miscellaneous sections should be between 30,000 and 40,000 keystrokes (including spaces). The accepted languages are English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German.
Contributions should be sent electronically to and should clearly indicate the author’s complete contact information (name, university affiliation, address and email).
The deadline for submission is 30th April 2021.
Call for reviews
Reviews should adhere to the areas of interest covered by Mise en Abyme and should be between 6,000 and 8,000 keystrokes (including spaces).
Book and conference reviews should be sent electronically to and should clearly indicate both the reviewer’s complete contact information (name, university affiliation, address and email) and full details of the reviewed item.