Mise en Abyme.
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts.
Vol. IV, Issue 1
January/June 2017
Download this issue: Mise en Abyme, Vol. IV, Issue 1, January/June 2017
Theatre and MICROTheatres
Monographic section: Theatre and MICROTheatres
Underground Performance: 20th-Century Theatre Defined by
Political Emergency and Marginalization (Jenna Pollack, Salem State University) – PDF
Macbeth per la regia di Luca De Fusco: tra psicoanalisi e riti di passaggio (Armando Rotondi, Institute of the Arts Barcelona) – PDF
Health and Medicine in the Victorian Age: Jekyll & Hyde the musical (Raffaele Cutolo, University of Verona) – PDF
Monographic section. Theatre and MICROTheatres
New Writing
La misura dell’errore. Vita e teatro di Antonio Latella a cura di Emanuele Tirelli – PDF
Greeks, Romans, Germans. How the Nazis Usurped Europe’s Classical Past by Johann Chapoutot – PDF
Tragedia e storia. Arnold Toynbee: la storia universale di Federico Leonardi – PDF
Chiamatemi Paola Riccora. Come una signora dell’alta borghesia napoletana diventò commediografa di successo di Mariagiovanna Grifi – PDF